Scoring Mechanics

For all values mentioned below, this is before the multiplier is calculated.

Basic Matching and Speed Bonus:

Matched balls are worth 10 points each (as in per ball destroyed). Continued matching (within 2.7 seconds between each one), will get you an additional 10 point bonus per match, up to 120 points per match. This is further multiplied by the number of balls cleared in one match. This is known as the Speed Bonus. This bonus can be increased with powers such as Speed Ball or using the Spirit Turtle.

The Speed bonus is independent of the Hot Frog meter - you still keep your speed bonus after you fire your three hot frog shots.

Combo Bonus:

Occurs when a match is made which makes another match (or more) when the balls slide together. The 2nd match made from the 1st gives a bonus of 1000 points, the third 2000, the fourth 3000, and so on. The number of points that would normally be gained from a match (as mentioned above) is also added to this total.

A bug involving a combo caused by a hot frog (or any powerup) has a decent chance of not resetting the combo streak, leading to some excessively high combos.

Chain Bonus:

The bonus for the 6th shot in a row would be 100, the 7th would be 110, the 8th would be 120, and so on. (Combo Bonuses do not add to a chain bonus.) Additionally, a bonus of 500 is awarded when reaching x10 chain, 750 at x15, 1000 at x20, etc. Food items can change this.

This feature was buffed slightly in order to give players going for extremely long chains a much better score overall.

Gap Bonus (Sept 2012):

The Gap bonus ranges from 100 to 10,000 points, with the lowest score at 12.5 ball widths (a ball is 29px in size). Score gained is proportional to the gap size in an exponential (parabolic) fashion. A typical three-size ball will net 66% of the maximum gap shot bonus. The gap size is calculated when the match is made, so you can't double tap to get the most points out of a gap. Additionally, the amount of points gained from gap shots increases drastically as the number of balls that were cleared when the gap shot was made increases, so a six-ball match on a three-ball gap might be worth more than a 3-ball match on a two-ball gap. See this visual guide. (Note the score for gap shots can go much higher than this if the track was longer.)

To be technical the scoring formula is Math.max(((300px - gapSize) / 300)^2 * 10000 * Gaps, 100)

In the event of a double gap (or higher) the gap size / score is determined by the largest gap the ball went through, and is multiplied by the number of gaps it passed through (max 3).

Gap Bonus (Oct 2012 onward):
Very similar to the above except score decreases in a more linear fashion and doesn't increase exponentially the larger the gap. However the gap score is still determined by the largest gap the ball went through so if you're aiming for double gaps, make both gaps small, or don't make it at all.

The exact scoring formula (without modifiers) is Math.max((((364px - gapSize) / 300) * 10000), 100) * Gaps

Gapple Sauce / Gann's Gapple Fizz adds 3000 to the maximum score and decreases the effective gap size by 20px.

Consolation Bonus: (incomplete)

This occurs if a time bonus ball is matched (due to either making a match or combo) after time is called, or you have hot frog/cannon in play.

Note consolation bonuses do not occur if time balls are destroyed by last hurrah explosions, spirit blasts, or anything after that.

Hourglass from Spirit Blast: 44,180

Curve Clear Bonus:

This occurs when a curve is completely cleared. The bonus is 1000 + 100 per second that elapsed from the start of the game when you made the curve clear. If you have Curvy Fries active, an additional 500 points are added.

(Note that the elapsed time in-game is not visible, so in short, the longer you've been playing in the game, the faster the balls will move, and the more points you get for a clear.)

Fruit Bonus:

Fruit is a flat 3,000 points, each fruit after that (up to the sixth) has 50% more points than the one before it, and so on.

Spirit Eagle adds 3000 to the base score, and the Kiwi Kebab / Hasty Jake Shake adds 750. Both of these effects stack, giving some large bonuses (max of 461,700 per fruit at 9x with kiwi + eagle).

Points gained (at 1x multiplier)

Fruit num		None	Kiwi	Eagle		Both
1			3000	3750	6000		6750
2			4500	5650	9000		10150
3			6750	8450	13500		15200
4			10150	12700	20250		22800
5			15200	19000	30400		34200
6+			22800	28500	45600		51300


Any balls destroyed in the blast are worth 10-130 points each depending on how far the red frog meter was filled up, with 130 being a bit over the halfway mark.

Hot Frog / Cat Fireball:

The explosion destroys nearby balls giving a base score of 1000 points plus 100 points per ball / fruit destroyed in the blast.

Food items can modify this value:

Last Hurrah:

This explodes all powerups on the board + surrounding balls, giving a total score of the following:

10,000 points are also awarded to each powerup ball and 1,000 for each ball destroyed if either "The Last Bite" or "Ivan's Last Call" is active.

The last hurrah bonus is not affected by your current multiplier (you will get the same bonus whether you are at 1x, or 9x.)

Cannon Shot:

10 points per ball destroyed. Unlike other explosions / matches where the game tells you how many points you earned on that shot, the game doesn't do this when you fire a cannon shot.

If playing as a Spirit Weasel each ball destroyed is worth 400 points.

Chain Blast: (unverified)

The resulting explosion from a chain blast gives 10 points per ball destroyed.

Color Nuke:

10 points for using it, plus 50 points per ball destroyed. If you have Gummi Nukes active, you get 500 extra points per Nuke used.

Monuments and Spirit Blasts

When the timer is up, spirit blasts typically award bonus points for a single color left on the board and removes them, laying way for additional combos that might happen.

Spirit Cat awards 250 per blue ball remaining + 7,500 points from Cat-astrophic Spirit Blast.

Spirit Beetle awards 250 per red ball remaining + 7,500 points from Beetle-ful Spirit Blast.

Spirit Weasel awards 500 per yellow ball remaining + 15,000 points from Weasel-icious Spirit Blast.

Spirit Eagle awards 800 per yellow ball remaining + 9,500 points from Eagle-tastic Spirit Blast.

If the "Animal Crackers" food item is active, an additional 750 points are added to the spirit blast and 25 points for each ball destroyed.


If a match is made containing a multiplier, the multiplier is added, then the score is added factoring in the new multiplier.