Fortune Cookies

For those that like narration, you can see the original post here.

NOTICE: This table only applies to the clasic version. Fortune cookies do not transfer on Krokatoa Island, but the mojo you get from opening them before leaving will.

Basic Notes:


NOTE: The number of tabs you can open at one time (aka your fortune cookie multiplier) is dependent on your system specs. A laptop can typically handle five tabs while a 2010+ computer can safely handle up to 18 tabs worth of mojo (before reaching the memory limit and crashing the browser altogether). Experiment to find the most number of tabs you can open at one time while following all of the above steps.

Fortune cookie Table

Pct Chance  Mojo Gain (lvl 1,80)  Freshness (est) - Mojo (from time they sent it)
13.75       2  - 105              0-4   hrs        5 - 552
20.25       4  - 285              4-12  hrs        2 - 289
38.38       15 - 545              12+   hrs        0
23.62       45 - 880
4           75 - 5,500

What mojo fortune cookies will be worth at freshness level at level:    (20 cookie average)

  2        4       15       45        75   |    5       2   |  1-3       409     (3% of lvl 80)
  5       20       40       95       210`  |   34      19   |  4-20      1,019   (7%)
 10       35      115      235       515   |   99      53   |  21-24     2,574   (10%)
 15       55      150      260       665   |  118      65   |  25-27     3,176   (22%)
 25       80      165      340       720   |  153      79   |  28-41     3,841   (27%)
 40       90      250      455       850   |  224     116   |  42-50     5,223   (37%)
 50      135      295      500      1130   |  248     127   |  51-57     6,215   (44%)
 55      150      305      550      1370   |  259     141   |  58-63     6,794   (48%)
 65      195      385      605      1410   |  311     168   |  64-70     7,910   (56%)
 80      200      405      800      1550   |  332     181   |  71-75     9,158   (64%)
 90      245      455      835      1800   |  421     212   |  76-77     10,117  (71%)
105      285      545      880      5500   |  552     229   |  78-80     14,183  (100%)

Valentine's Day 2012                1000   |  varies        |  1-79      20,000  (141%)
                                    5000   |  552     229   |  80        100,000 (705%)

Sending your 1 percent

If you happen to open the request dialog on another tab, the "send request" button can be clicked on multiple times, sending multiple cookies to people (or person) at once.