Last week's scores were the following: \n"; $user = fgetcsv($file); $user_name = $user[0]; $user_id = $user[1]; $f_rc = "".$request."&&friend=".$user_id."&friendonly=1"; echo "\n"; $result = file_get_contents($f_rc); // NOTE: There is no error checking, such as stopp if it could not connect to servers to retrieve scores, etc., // this will give us the scores and lvl we need // this can be copied and pasted into Notepad and then Excel for further processing. $result_c = stristr($result, 'scores'); $result_c = stristr($result_c, 'medalcounts', true); $result_d = preg_replace('/[,\":{}]+/', ' ', $result_c); $result_d = preg_split('[ ]', $result_d); $result_e = $result; $result_f = stristr($result, 'levels'); $result_f = stristr($result_f, 'progress', true); $result_g = preg_replace('/[,\":{}]+/', ' ', $result_f); $result_g = preg_split('[ ]', $result_g); // output onto the table echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; //print_r($result_g); //echo " debug: last request:".$f_rc; } fclose($file); ?>
Name Board1 Board2 Board3 Board4 Board5 Lvl